TigerFire Studios presents...

Arthur Dent - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Martin Freeman as Arthur Dent. Me as Arthur Dent.

Martin Freeman as Arthur Dent in HHGttG (2005).

Me as Arthur Dent. DragonCon 2021.

All of the elements of this costume (robe, shirt, pants, towel) were purchased.

The Book

I spent a lot of time watching the adjacent clip from the 2005 movie, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The first few hundred times were when I was modeling "The Book" in MS 3D Builder, so I was paying close attention to shapes and their relation to each other.

The next few hundred times I watched this clip was to reference the different sides and angles so that I could replicate the wear and textures in my paint job.

Materials: PLA, acrylic paints.
Tools: Microsoft 3D Builder, Anet A8 FDM printer.

The Book - raw 3D print.

2005 movie intro

The Book - raw 3D print.

The Book - completed. The Book - completed. The Book - completed.

The Book - completed.

The Book - completed.

The Book - completed.

Made Altered Bought
  • The Book
  • Green bathrobe
  • White t-shirt
  • Flannel pants
  • White towel