TigerFire Studios presents...

Batou - Ghost in the Shell


Batou in Ghost in the Shell. Me as Batou. Batou in Ghost in the Shell. Me as Batou.

Batou in Ghost in the Shell (1995).

Me as Batou. KatsuCon 2023.

Batou in Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 (2020).

Me as Batou. Dragon Con 2024.

All of the elements of this costume (jacket, vest, t-shirt, pants, boots, belt, shoulder holster, fingerless gloves) were purchased.

The wig was also purchased, but styled by myself.

Cybernetic eyes

For the eyes, I started with a model from Thingiverse designed by thinkpool. I then went through 5 iterations of printing, testing for fit, tweaking the model, and printing again to get these to properly fit my face. After some paint and clearcoat I added 'lenses' made from smoke lighting gels. Rather than include any other parts that might break the illusion of these being cyber-prosthetics, I adhere these with Pros-Aide.

Materials: PLA filament, acrylic paints.
Tools: Microsoft 3D Builder, Ender3 FDM printer.

Cyber-eyes - final.

Cyber-eyes - final.


Jericho - printing. Jericho - close-up of embossing. Jericho - assmebled.

Jericho - printing.

Jericho - close-up of embossing.

Jericho - assmebled.

For Batou's signature firearm, the IMI Jericho 942 does not exist! But it is supposed to be a version of the 941 chambered for .50-cal so I was able to find STLs for the IMI Jericho 941 on Thingiverse, modeled by Fuzzy_Wafflz, and use 3D Builder to remove and replace the embossing of the model number. Finished with some drybrushing and sealed.

Materials: PLA filament, acrylic paints.
Tools: Microsoft 3D Builder, Ender3 FDM printer.

Made Altered Bought
  • Cyber-eye prosthetics
  • Data port temporary tattoos
  • Jericho 941
  • Wig
  • White jacket
  • White vest
  • Shoulder holster
  • Black leather fingerless gloves
  • Black t-shirt
  • Black BDU pants
  • Black pistol belt
  • Combat boots