TigerFire Studios presents...

Wolverine - X-Men


Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Me as Wolverine. Me as Wolverine.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the X-Men (2000).

Me as "Lumberjack Logan". DragonCon 2021.

Me as "Lumberjack Logan". DragonCon 2021.

All of the elements of this costume (flannel shirt, t-shirt, jeans, boots, dogtag) were purchased.


For the claws, I basically followed Bill Doran's (Punished Props) tutorial and even used his provided templates for the blades (link here). The most notable difference is that I did not machine the grips from aluminum, instead opting to make these from wood and make them much smaller.

Materials: Sintra, brass rod, wood, acrylic paints.
Tools: Bandsaw, belt/disc sander, drill, wire snips, files, pliers.

Claws - getting started. Claws - cut out. Claws - shaped and painted.

Claws - getting started.

Claws - cut out.

Claws - shaped and painted.

Claws - completed.

Claws - completed.

Made Altered Bought
  • Claws
  • Flannel shirt
  • White t-shirt
  • Blue jeans
  • Dog tag
  • Boots