Deadpool - a steampunk version of a Marvel character
Why I chose to make this costume
Who doesn't love "the merc with the mouth"? I knew that I wanted to do a version of this character at some point, but also knew that I didn't want to do the characteristic jumpsuit. When Key City Steampunk Festival announced that their theme for 2023 would be "Cavaliers and Cads" it came to me - Steampunk Deadpool!
How I made this costume
Most of this was in acquiring the classic steampunk costume bits in Deadpool's red and black colours, as well as (obviously) a good Deadpool mask. My work on this project was in painting the NERF blasters that go with it, which gave me my first opportunity to use our Cricut to cut the vinyl decals on the grips.
Thoughts on this costume
Hmm.... chimichangas aren't Victorian....