Wooden game boards

1 / 9
2 / 9
3 / 9
4 / 9
5 / 9
6 / 9
7 / 9
8 / 9
9 / 9

Reversible checkers/backgammon game board on pine. Hand-burned. 2007.
Reversible checkers/backgammon game board on pine. Hand-burned. 2007.
Checkers board. Hand-stained on pine. 2007.
Reversible Go board. Hand-painted on pine. 2007.
Reversible Go board. Hand-painted on pine. 2007.
Mancala set. Hand-carved pine and hand-painted. 2007.
Mancala set. Now you can see the brass hinge and closure clasp.  2007.
Hafentafl board.  2007.
Nine Mens Morris.  2007.